2024 Capital District Grant Application

Deadline: Monday, April 1, 2024

Action Support Grant
The purpose of the Capital District Action Support Committee is the facilitation of outreach ministries to relieve human suffering and the establishment of new and creative forms of such outreach within the district. The committee gives priority to:
*Ministries tied directly to the United Methodist Church or to initiatives of the District itself
*Ministries that address a critical and/or unique need in their mission field
*New and expanding ministries or established ministries that are actively seeking outside community and funding partners, but have few large donor or governmental grant options
*Ministries that demonstrate substantial buy-in from their local congregations (as appropriate), including funding, volunteer, advisory and administrative support
*Funding for program costs over staff and administrative costs.

Juanita Peterson Grant
The purpose of the Juanita Peterson Fund is to facilitate projects and programs for women (and children) sponsored by the Capital District or any other United Methodist Church in the Capital District.