A Word from DS Laura Merrill 04/26/2022
I’ve been so struck by Sunday’s news photos of this year’s Easter celebrations in Ukraine. The beautiful tradition of preparing eggs, bread, and other special foods for the Easter feast and bringing them to the church for a blessing, before sharing them with friends and family—this practice stirs my heart. I ponder what it means…Read More »
A Word from DS Laura Merrill- 01/24/22
The first month of this new year is nearly gone, and here we still are. I know better than to make resolutions anymore, but we often still hope for something to shift as the calendar turns. I’m not sure that hopeful shift has happened exactly, with Covid deaths and teachers and healthcare folks worn past…Read More »
A Word from DS Laura Merrill 09.03.21
As a part of returning to the DS role this summer, I participated in what those of us in the biz affectionately call “DS Charm School,” but what is actually a time of orientation. It was online and included new DSs and other leaders from across the country. Despite my joking that I was having…Read More »
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